Product Datasheets
The CNS team within MCA is a stocking distributor of cellular machine-to-machine (M2M) communication devices from top-tier manufacturers. Below you can select product specification sheets by manufacturer through a simple list menu.
We've included Datasheets (Spec Sheets) for the most popular AirLink® products we sell and configure from Semtech (formerly known as Sierra Wireless).
Here you can find the specification sheets for the most popular Ericsson products we offer (formerly known as Cradlepoint).
- Ericsson Cradlepoint AER1600
- Ericsson Cradlepoint AER2200
- Ericsson Cradlepoint AP22
- Ericsson Cradlepoint CBA550
- Ericsson Cradlepoint CBA850
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR200
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR350
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR600
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR600B
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR600C
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR900
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR1100
- Ericsson Cradlepoint IBR1700
- Ericsson Cradlepoint E100
- Ericsson Cradlepoint E300
- Ericsson Cradlepoint E3000
- Ericsson Cradlepoint MC400
- Ericsson Cradlepoint MC20BT
- Ericsson Cradlepoint R500
- Ericsson Cradlepoint R1900
- Ericsson Cradlepoint R2100
- Ericsson Cradlepoint W1850
- Ericsson Cradlepoint W2000
- Ericsson Cradlepoint W2005
- Ericsson Cradlepoint W4005
- Ericsson Cradlepoint L950
Digi International
Find spec sheets for the Digi Transport and ConnectPort products our customers buy most often.
- Digi EX12
- Digi EX15
- Digi EX50
- Digi IX10
- Digi IX14
- Digi IX20
- Digi TX54
- Digi TX64
- Digi DR
- Digi WR11
- Digi WR11 XT
- Digi WR21
- Digi WR31
- Digi WR44
- Digi WR54
- Digi WR64
- Digi LR54
- Digi Connect IT Mini
- Digi ConnectPort X2
- Digi ConnectPort X3
- Digi ConnectPort X4
- Digi ConnectPort X5
- Digi Connect Sensor+
- Digi CORE® Modem
Mobile Mark
These are the datasheets for the most popular and most ordered Mobile Mark antennas we offer.
- MobileMark CVL-WLF
- MobileMark CVW402
- MobileMark CVW502
- MobileMark LLP302
- MobileMark LLP402
- MobileMark LLP502
- MobileMark LLP602
- MobileMark LLP702
- MobileMark LLP308
- MobileMark LLP408
- MobileMark LLP508
- MobileMark LLP608
- MobileMark LLP708
- MobileMark LMW202
- MobileMark LMW302
- MobileMark LTB301
- MobileMark LTB302
- MobileMark LTM301
- MobileMark LTM302
- MobileMark LTM302
- MobileMark LTM308
- MobileMark LTM401
- MobileMark LTM402
- MobileMark LTM404
- MobileMark LTM408
- MobileMark LTM501
- MobileMark LTM502
- MobileMark LTM508
- MobileMark LTM601
- MobileMark LTM602
- MobileMark LTM608
- MobileMark LTM702
- MobileMark LTM708
- MobileMark LTM940
- MobileMark LTM941
- MobileMark LTM942
- MobileMark LTM944
- MobileMark LTMW941
- MobileMark LTMW942
- MobileMark LTMW943
- MobileMark LTMW944
- MobileMark LTMW946
- MobileMark MXF302
- MobileMark MXF402
- MobileMark MXF502
- MobileMark MXF602
- MobileMark MXF702
- MobileMark MXF308
- MobileMark MXF408
- MobileMark MXF508
- MobileMark MXF608
- MobileMark MXF708
- MobileMark NXD-W
- MobileMark SMW305
- MobileMark SMD-3500
- MobileMark RM-WLF
- MobileMark LTM-PNK
- MobileMark NT-MK
- MobileMark Y42700WB
- MobileMark Y42700WB-2X
Here you'll find the spec sheets for the most popular Cal/Amp products previously sold by MCA. None of these products are available for purchase today. We've provided these sheets for past customers that may still be using them.
Red Lion
Here you'll find datasheets for a variety of Red Lion (SixNet) routers, switches, and cellular gateways MCA used to offer our clients. We do not offer any of these products today. These are for past clients to access should they need them.
- Red Lion ET-8xG-MIL-1 Switches
- Red Lion ET-8xS-MIL-1 Switches
- Red Lion FlexEdge DA50A Series
- Red Lion FlexEdge DA50A Series
- Red Lion FlexEdge DA70A Series
- Red Lion FlexEdge DA Sleds
- Red Lion FlexEdge DA Modules
- Red Lion RAM-6000 Series (4G)
- Red Lion RAM-9000 Series (4G)
- Red Lion SN-6000 Series (3G)
- Red Lion SN-6000 Series (4G)
- Red Lion SL/SLX Series
- Red Lion SLX-8MG
- Red Lion SLX-10MG
- Red Lion SLX-18MG
- Red Lion IP67
- Red Lion EL228
- Red Lion EL326
We've collected quite a few Poynting Antenna datasheets for our customer to download at their convenience .
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DevProv and DevProv+
If you're in need of support for products you've purchased from the MCA CNS team, but didn't pay for device provisioning at the time of purchase, and never subscribed to our DevProv+ suite of services, please fill out this form. An expert member of our support team will reach out to you within one business day.
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Call Us Toll-Free: (888) 550-8728