How Utilities Benefit From Cloud-Managed LTE and 5G

MCA CNS TeamCradlepoint, MCA News

For decades, utility companies have relied on wide area networks (WAN) for reliable, secure, and flexible network connectivity to support their thousands – or even millions! – of customers across enormous geographical areas. These networks are integral to their operations since downtime can impact the company’s bottom line and the availability of services within the community… Read More…

Cellular Communications Within FLISR Applications for Electric Utilities

MCA CNS TeamMCA News, Sierra Wireless

Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration (FLISR) systems are a crucial component of the operation of electric utilities, designed to detect, isolate, and restore power after a fault or outage occurs. These systems utilize advanced monitoring and control technologies to quickly identify the location of the fault, isolate the… Read More…

Solar Powered Gateways Enable Truly Wireless Communications

MCA CNS TeamCradlepoint, Digi International, MCA News, MultiTech, Sierra Wireless

We are fielding more and more calls from clients looking to have wireless devices be truly wireless. Data goes over the air; we have that part nailed. However, the electricity to power the device comes from a wire stretched to a transformer through the transmission and distribution plant of the electric utility—power is hardwired and dependent on the “grid”… Read More…

Network Sunset Notices

MCA CNS TeamAT&T, MCA News, T-Mobile, Verizon

Major networks in the U.S. and worldwide are beginning (or finalizing) setting their 2G and 3G networks in favor of 4G long-term evolution (LTE) and 5G technologies.  This article contains information regarding the 2G, 3G, and LTE sunset date schedule for major US cellular carriers… Read More…

The Ultimate Guide to SD-WAN, SDN, and Software-Defined Branch

MCA CNS TeamCradlepoint, MCA News

SD-WAN is an evolving technology, so characterizing an SD-WAN architecture can be difficult. How SD-WAN was defined five years ago, or even two years ago, is not necessarily how it is defined today. In fact, trying to figure out where it’s going to be a year or two from now has become an interesting thought exercise for some technology leaders…Read More…

The Ultimate Guide to Smart City Connectivity

MCA CNS TeamCradlepoint, MCA News, Sierra Wireless

Local government is a 24/7 enterprise. Constantly changing dynamics and daily emergencies have always pressured city governments to be agile and cost-efficient. In the digital age, citizens expect cities to respond to their needs and mandates quicker than before, and they want to access city services conveniently — whenever and wherever. Of course, citizens also still expect cities to make the most of their tax dollars… Read More…