Fire and Rescue Departments
Fire and Rescue Communications
CONNECTIVITY FOR BRANCH AND FIELD OPERATIONSAdvances within information, device, and networking technologies are enabling emergency response agencies to connect with their people, equipment, and systems in real-time. Today's emergency responders need the ability to quickly and securely access and share information in the field. Data from ambulances, firetrucks, and other emergency response vehicles can be securely linked with command and control systems that provide information your rescue teams need to make informed decisions while in the field and on-scene.

Mission-critical operations like fire and emergency rescue rely on rugged and dependable communications. Our CNS team offers the communication devices and networks emergency response teams need to effectively perform their vital lifesaving operations.

Rescue Vehicle Networks
Using cellular routers to create a secure vehicle area network (VAN) allows for increased connectivity and endless capabilities. Our VAN solutions for Fire and Rescue can improve computer-aided dispatch (CAD) systems, allow for automated Wi-Fi data offloads, provide wireless connectivity for tablets displaying Hazmat info, share HIPPA-compliant patient data and more. Reach out to us to help your agency better protect the communities you serve.

Mobile Command
Many fire departments strategically deploy mobile command vehicles to areas and events in need of high levels of resource coordination. These vehicles are rarely deployed for routine operations, most commonly utilized when large scale efforts (like forest fires) are required. Maintaining reliable communications is vital during high stress situations where the ability to connect personnel, equipment, and internal command is critical.

Station Communications
Your fire stations and EMS depots are the backbone of your operations. When they lose connectivity, your command staff and field teams lose access to real-time information critical to their safety. We engineer branch connectivity solutions that ensure your HQ and satellite stations maintain continuous connectivity even if your primary T1 lines go down, or when network congestion leads to slowdowns that put your people and the public in jeopardy.

Equipment Networking
With enhanced 5G connectivity, fire departments and their operations can enter a new era of technological firefighting innovation. Fire crews and remote operators can connect with new remote controlled firefighting drones and robots to minimize personnel exposure to hazardous conditions. Our collection of 5G and Wi-Fi 6 capable routers and wide band vehicle antennas give signal strength and Wi-Fi coverage a reliable and measurable boost.

Portable Networking
When a natural or manmade disaster occurs, many fire and rescue agencies are responsible for deploying response teams throughout their districts. When possible, they accept and coordinate the activities of volunteers as well as the first responders teams directly under their command. They need a way to keep everyone connected throughout every minute to help save lives and city infrastructure. Our portable networking devices can help.

First Responder Networks
Our nations fire, rescue, and EMS agencies need dedicated broadband communications networks that provide expanded coverage and capacity over and above what standard public cellular networks can provide. Through our partnerships with major cellular carriers, MCA can provide and provision devices for use on LTE networks built with public safety in mind like AT&T FirstNet, Verizon Frontline, and T-Mobile's Connecting Heroes.
USAT delivers connectivity solutions that ensure fire, rescue, and emergency medical response teams can better coordinate lifesaving activities from the office and out into the field.

Are you interested in learning more about how we can help achieve your fire and rescue agency's fixed and mobile communications objectives? Please fill out this form. An expert member of our team will reach out to you within 24 hours to discuss your connectivity needs.
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Call Us Toll-Free: (888) 550-8728
To shop online for top cellular routers, visit our web store by clicking here.
Recent Use Cases, Case Studies, and Solutions for Fire and Rescue Operations