PTC Compliance for Railway Operations

Railway PTC Data Communications

Jesse HallDigi International, MCA News, Mobile Mark

While every rail service hopes to ensure riders enjoy the most pleasant travel experience possible, their foremost mission is to provide the safest riding experience and environment possible. In recent years, tragic accidents have called attention to the need to ensure that
safety remains one of fundamental principles of the transit industry… Read more…

5G EMS Vehicle Management

5G EMS Vehicle Management

Jesse HallMCA News, Mobile Mark, Sierra Wireless

Jason is the IT team lead for an EMS agency. When he’s not fixing computers and addressing telephone issues at the authority, he’s helping paramedics in the field with non-responsive communications systems. With Jason and his team being spread very thin, he was tasked upgrading their communications technologies in a way that would… Read more…

MGOS Release Notes

MGOS Release Notes

Jesse HallMCA News, Sierra Wireless

Sierra Wireless’ MGOS team are pleased to announce General Availability of MGOS for AirLink MG90 gateways. This is a minor release that includes a fix for a critical GNSS issue identified within the previous MGOS 4.3.1 firmware release for the MG90, where GNSS functions within client devices may have stopped working due to a glitch in the last software update. Read more…


Sierra Wireless RV50X to RV55 Comparison

MCA CNS TeamFirstNet, MCA News, Sierra Wireless

What are the Differences Between the AirLink RV50X and RV55 Cellular Routers from Sierra Wireless? The AirLink RV50X (part number 1103052) was created to replace the now obsolete RV50 (part …