Cellular Enabled Remote Pipeline Management
Pipelines that transport oil and liquefied natural gas are often located in remote and extremely challenging locations. To stay connected to pipelines at various critical junctions in the field, organizations need reliable communications devices and specialized antenna assemblies to boost signal strength within fringe network coverage areas.
Challenges Faced
Oil and gas companies need solutions that enable the remote monitoring of hundreds of miles of pipeline crisscrossing our nations fields, forests, and mountain ranges. Spotty connections to equipment on the fringe makes the real-time monitoring of pressure sensors, flow meters, and more difficult. These organizations need low power solutions for remote areas located several miles from the nearest power sources and cell towers.
Cellular Router Solution
USAT works with several oil and gas organizations across North America. Many have asked USAT to help replace soon to be outdated 3G routers with more robust 4G solutions.
To help our customers comply with environmental reporting requirements, they asked for cellular routers capable of redundancy with cellular failover. They also need devices that met predefined specific SCADA hardware requirements.
And to better cope with limited electricity access, they requested low power devices compatible with photovoltaic arrays. USAT was able to help them select the perfect gateway for their needs - an AirLink RV50X industrial router - and so much more.
Powerful Antenna Solution
These same organizations cited varying connection reliability at different points along their distribution pipelines. Some monitoring locations were located within five miles of a local cell tower, while others were as far as 20 miles out.
USAT was able to match the antenna to the specific needs of each location. For locations closest to existing cell towers (1+ miles from nearest tower), we provided a variation of the Poynting XPOL-2 directional antenna.
For fringe areas (8+ miles from nearest tower), we provided two long-range Log Periodic Directional Antennas (LPDA) in a dual configuration with polarization brackets and custom cut and crimped cabling kits.
Customized NEMA Boxes
Remote oil and gas pipelines are subject to some of the most extreme elements mother nature has to throw at them. Because of this, most of the hardware they utilize need to be hardened against the elements. For added protection, most pipeline communications assemblies are enclosed within weatherproofed communications boxes.
For clients who either have no access to direct power lines or regularly experience outages along those lines, electricity was a major concern. Thankfully for them, USAT is no stranger to customizing off-grid solutions to fit their exacting needs.
The IoT engineers at USAT architect and assemble single panel systems designed for use with pole-mounted panels, NEMA enclosures, and battery arrays to power wireless modems and the equipment connected to them.
To learn more about USAT's off-grid solar solutions, click here.
Field-Tested Results
Most of our oil and gas clients utilize our DevProv+ services to provision their devices to work within their existing network infrastructures. Many also utilize our engineering services to create poled-mounted NEMA enclosures to host their routers, antennas, custom cabling, and solar arrays.
The results? Every one of our clients' distribution lines saw instant increases in connection speed, strength, and reliability. And with Airlink Management Software (ALMS) they were able to easily automate event reporting with over-the-air device registration, configuration, monitoring, and management.
Give your remote monitoring equipment an upgrade with USAT's connectivity solutions today.
Contact USAT
If you need updated hardware for your remote monitoring operations fast, USAT has the routers and antennas featured within this solution in stock and ready for immediate deployment.
Our technicians are prepared to custom build NEMA enclosures or rapidly install cellular routers and antennas along your pipelines across Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and some regions of Texas and Colorado.
USAT has broadband, secure, WiFi hot-spots and high-powered antenna assemblies designed to function under harsh conditions and in remote areas. We offer top-tier equipment from providers like Sierra Wireless and Poynting.
For More Information:
- Give Us a Call: (919) 942-4214
- Send Us an Email: info@usatcorp.com
- Request a Quote: Click Here
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