The Ultimate Guide to Smart City Connectivity

MCA CNS TeamCradlepoint, MCA News, Sierra Wireless

Local government is a 24/7 enterprise. Constantly changing dynamics and daily emergencies have always pressured city governments to be agile and cost-efficient. In the digital age, citizens expect cities to respond to their needs and mandates quicker than before, and they want to access city services conveniently — whenever and wherever. Of course, citizens also still expect cities to make the most of their tax dollars… Read More…

Nevada DOT’s M2M Digital Signage Project

MCA CNS TeamMCA News, Poynting, Sierra Wireless

Like many infrastructure providers, the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is continuously developing projects to increase the intelligence of its transportation systems. As part of its transition from analog to digital infrastructure just over a decade ago, NDOT enlisted Las Vegas Electric to expand Nevada’s network of road messaging signs and fiber optic connectivity… Read more…

Sonoma County Reduces Costs and Congestion

MCA CNS TeamMCA News, Sierra Wireless

Each of Sonoma County’s traffic intersections is connected via a SCADA system, with a typical intersection containing traffic signals, pavement sensors, and a controller typically located in close proximity to the system. The controller is connected to county operations and enables the operations team to remotely… Read More…