AT&T FirstNet Launches Innovative Solutions

AT&T FirstNet Launches Innovative Solutions

Jesse HallAT&T, FirstNet, MCA News

America’s Premier Public Safety Network FirstNet Adds Features

As a licensed dealer of AT&T FirstNet and devices used on the platform, USAT is thrilled to announce that AT&T will introduce several new features to its mission-critical platform for first responders.

In-Building Situational Awareness

Mobile Communications America (MCA), the parent company of USAT LLC, offers communication solutions that help protect building occupants and first responders by bolstering cellular and radio signal coverage throughout your facilities.

Public Safety Radio DAS (PSR DAS) solutions from MCA receive, amplify and retransmit signals from wireless stations to ensure public safety personnel inside of the buildings and their surrounding areas can communicate safely and effectively over emergency responder radio frequencies.

Distributed Antenna Systems for emergency responder radio coverage (ERRC) from MCA evenly disperse those signals throughout your buildings, floor by floor, corridor to corridor, and in areas notorious for low coverage like stairwells and multi-floor or unground parking garages.

With PSR DAS and ERRC systems in place and independently configured, your facilities will experience in-building Radio or Cellular coverage enhancements to keep your people and first responders safer during emergency events.

AT&T Z-Axis

In addition, AT&T has enhanced the Z-Axis for FirstNet, offering public safety agencies a vertical visualization of the positions of first responders in a building. Enhanced Z-Axis also enables public safety agencies to mark important areas in a building.

Utilizing geospatial technology, first responder team leaders can remotely peer into a building, seeing the location of each team member in the field. At the same time, as first responders scale the building, the altimeter view dynamically adjusts based on their movements. Users can “mark” significant locations in buildings to reduce response times and cut through the noise of miscommunication.

Disaster Response for AT&T First Responder Networks

AT&T’s FirstNet now possesses 150 dedicated deployable assets, including more than 50 Compact Rapid Deployables (CRDs), available in all 50 U.S. states and six territories. CRDs are portable emergency assets that can be deployed and dispersed across impacted regions. Stationed at strategic locations across the country, FirstNet’s CRDs are ready and available for agencies battling wildfires, hurricanes, and other major disasters.

In order to improve disaster response, AT&T is also introducing FirstNet Emergency Response Kits. Ideal for responding to a major disaster, these kits can hold up to 21 FirstNet Ready smartphones, 2 Mi-Fi devices, wall chargers, with additional space for cords and can be linked up with the USAT TRaCK Box so all smartphones can share a single wi-fi network for wi-fi calling and texting.

Mission-Critical PTT on Dedicated Public Safety Broadband

With the launch of FirstNet Rapid Response, public safety agencies now have two choices for mission-critical PTT radio communication, along with enhanced land mobile radio (LMR) interoperability capabilities. This new voice, video, and data communication system offers public safety agencies greater situational awareness. 

FirstNet Rapid Response makes it easier than ever to share information and cooperate with other agencies. All mission-critical teams using PTT Rapid Response can stream what they’re seeing on the ground with command and other first responders.

The ability to share streaming video in the field enhances situational awareness and helps to keep all public safety agencies mission ready.

The Future of 911 Services for First Responders

AT&T ESInet is now integrated with commercial AT&T wireless networks and platforms, offering more accurate locating of 911 callers through precision location technology. Today more than 80% of 911 calls come from mobile phones—68% of adults do not even have a landline in their homes.

Recognizing the need to route 911 calls based on the caller’s GIS location, AT&T has teamed up with 911 service providers and ADT home security to more precisely pinpoint each caller’s location. The FCC has estimated that over 10,000 lives could be saved yearly if public safety agencies were able to locate callers just 1 minute faster.

AT&T is the only public safety carrier to deliver an end-to-end emergency communication solution, helping to cut down on the time it takes first responders to arrive at the scene. With the integration of ADT, AT&T FirstNet is furthering its goal of protecting the public, eliminating commercial congestion from dedicated public safety platforms.

USAT is proud to be a licensed FirstNet Dealer, supporting first responder networks with our FirstNet Ready Devices that can be pre-activated on the FirstNet Network prior to delivery, installation, and active deployment.

Contact USAT

USAT can help public safety and emergency management agencies update, manage, and replace cellular hardware for fixed and mobile applications with new FirstNet Ready 4G and 5G devices from top-tier manufacturers like Cradlepoint, Sierra Wireless, and Digi International.

USAT LLC, a key part of the data solutions team at Mobile Communications America, exists to serve our nations critical infrastructure by creating secure communication networks that pass data wirelessly between key systems — linking remote personnel and machine assets. We have partnered with industry leaders that manufacture top-of-the-line communications devices, management platforms, and accessories to suit the specific needs of a vast array of industries in a variety of applications and environments.

*Original Article Credit Goes to AT&T.

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