As organizations increasingly rely on complex networks spanning multiple vendors and technologies, managing and optimizing these networks becomes more critical and challenging. GridObserver®, an advanced Network Management System (NMS), emerges as a game-changer in this domain… Read More…
Cellular Router Trends in Public Safety and Commercial Applications
The demand for seamless and reliable internet access has become essential across all industries. At the heart of this connectivity revolution are routers, devices that direct data traffic between different networks, allowing devices to communicate with each other and access the internet. Among the various types of routers, cellular routers have gained prominence due to… Read More…
Poynting EPNT Series
Reliable and efficient internet connectivity is not just a convenience but a necessity. Poynting’s EPNT series of antennas is a pivotal solution designed to enhance connectivity in challenging environments, ranging from remote rural areas to bustling outdoor events and industrial sites. As a top resale partner, MCA’s CNS Team proudly offers these… Read More…
Digi Cellular Routers Revolutionize Waste Management Systems
Waste disposal is often a relative afterthought in retail, hospitality, healthcare, and industries until disruptions strike. To ensure that disruptions would be a thing of the past, Canada’s premier waste and recycling equipment servicing company developed an innovative IoT tracking system, transforming waste management and offering… Read More…
SCADA Communications Gateways, Routers, and Modems
Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications are computer systems for gathering and analyzing real-time data. They can monitor and control a plant or equipment in telecommunications, water and waste control, energy, oil and gas refining, and transportation. The system gathers information, such as where a leak on… Read more…
Nuclear Power Facilities Utilize LoRaWAN Sensors for Remote Monitoring
Ensuring uninterrupted operation is critical to electric utility and nuclear energy companies when providing power to citizens. Since nuclear plants and electrical utilities cannot afford unplanned downtime under any circumstances, every potential issue that could halt plant operations is monitored, with all alerts treated as urgent and… Read More…
Sierra Wireless Connectivity Solutions Help Transform Waste Management
With nearly 8 million tons of plastic waste entering the oceans each year and only 66% of paper in the United States being properly recycled, a Pennsylvania-based company has dedicated itself to revolutionizing waste and resource recovery. To meet this goal, the organization has developed a device that leverages the latest AI and… Read More…
Durham SCADA Water System
When the Department of Water Management in Durham, North Carolina, upgraded the City’s water system to keep pace with population growth, it constructed two new water towers, which collectively store 4.5 million gallons of water. The new equipment within the towers needed to be incorporated into the existing supervisory control and… Read More…
Revolutionizing Utility Operations With Vehicle Area Networking (VAN)
To enhance customer satisfaction and minimize operational expenses, several utility companies are optimizing their field operations by implementing a vehicle-based cellular networking strategy. By centralizing connectivity through a vehicle area network (VAN), these companies hope to cut costs while boosting field productivity… Read More…
Solar Gardens Across Minnesota Powered by MultiTech
In 2020, solar power accounted for 43% of the newly added electric capacity to the grid, marking the highest proportion in history. This marked the second consecutive year in which solar energy contributed the most to the grid’s generating capacity, according to the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). Recognizing… Read More…