disaster response teams using the TRaCK Box and the Cradlepoint R1900 Mobile Router to enable fast network deployment in mission critical situations

Ericsson Routers and MCA TRaCK Box Speed Disaster Response

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News

Time and connectivity are critical in disaster recovery operations. When catastrophe strikes, first responders and recovery teams must hit the ground running with reliable communication networks. Organizations dedicated to disaster response and recovery understand this need more than anyone. With FEMA, government agencies, and non-profits, a U.S.-based recovery… Read More…

The Benefits and Challenges of Cellular Communications in Disaster Situations


Cellular communication has revolutionized the way we communicate in disaster relief and management situations. This technology offers many benefits, including real-time communication, quick response, and easy accessibility. However, there are also some challenges that need to be addressed to… Read More…

Emergency Connectivity for Bernalillo County

Emergency Connectivity for Bernalillo County

Jesse HallMCA News, Sierra Wireless, Verizon

The Bernalillo County Office of Emergency Management (BCEM) operates a state-of-the-art emergency management system to help effectively coordinate the use of county, state and federal resources to protect the lives and health of county citizens and visitors from the effects of natural or human-caused disasters… Read more…

5G Enterprise Connectivity for Public Safety

5G Public Safety Enterprise Connectivity

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News, Mobile Mark, Verizon

Mia Silva is the Public Safety Director for a large municipality along the southeastern coast of the USA. When disasters strike, it falls to her to coordinate emergency relief efforts across all the departments under her supervision. One year, after a hurricane made landfall, power lines and broadband communications went down across…Read more…

Portable 5G Emergency Communications Solutions

5G Emergency Communications

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News, Verizon

Zach is the EM Coordinator for an Emergency Operations Center. When disasters strike his county, it falls to him and his team to coordinate emergency relief efforts county-wide. When a hurricane made landfall last year and power lines and broadband communications went down, he found himself in the dark, along with thousands of… Read more…

Instant Emergency Mobile Networks

Instant Emergency Mobile Networks

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News

Lt. Daniels is a key member of the Emergency Operations Center in Ocean County. It falls to him to ensure the rapid deployment of critical response teams and to coordinate their efforts in the field. Without the ability to rapidly connect his teams, coordinating those teams is next to impossible. Read more…