Antenna Systems

Antenna Assembly Fabrication


The CNS team within MCA is a national value-added reseller and fabricator of rugged and reliable antenna assemblies. We offer products from only world-class cellular, Wi-Fi, and GPS manufacturers like Mobile Mark and Poynting Antennas.

We custom cut, crimp, and cap RF cable assemblies to suit our clients exacting needs and fabricate assemblies for roof, wall, pole, ceiling, and mobile installations.

Our team has the experience required to simplify the antenna procurement process, expertly pairing your devices with the customized antennas and cabling assemblies your routers and gateways need to ensure the success of your communications projects.

Antenna Fabrication Services

Antenna Fabrication Capabailities

  • Antennas with custom brackets and power assemblies
  • Jumper cables with custom lengths and connectors
  • Standard and Ultra-Flex Cabling with LMR-195 and LMR-400
  • Fire-Retardant, Watertight, Kevlar, and Plenum Cabling
  • Lightning arrestor, grounding kits, and angular adapters
  • Law enforcement vehicle connectivity
  • Wi-Fi in private or public buses and vehicles
  • Fleet vehicle tracking with GPS and telemetry
  • High-powered long-range assemblies for rural settings

Your IoT projects call for M2M devices to be paired with antenna systems that deliver top performance. At MCA, we make it a priority to provide the essentials you need to generate superior performance while maximizing your infrastructure investments.

Fixed Antenna System Fabrication

Fixed Antenna Systems

Many buildings are constructed from large quantities of steel, concrete, and low-e glass that can impede or otherwise prevent cellular signals from propagating effectively indoors. Placing a branch or IoT router within such buildings with standard paddle antennas can prevent stable connections to even the most robust carrier networks. With externally mounted fixed antenna systems from MCA, we can ensure your routers can connect reliably to cellular carriers for both primary and back-up communications while also fabricating antennas for in and outdoor Wi-Fi applications depending upon your business use case.


Long-Range Antenna Systems

Organizations with remote outdoor pieces of critical infrastructure struggle to achieve reliable connectivity to their distant assets. More often than not, major cellular carriers have coverage gaps and capacity issues in rural environments that can result in little to no connectivity. With sensor networks constantly communicating pressure readings in oil pipelines, voltage levels in electric distribution systems, traffic data from highways, and more, both public and private enterprises need antenna systems that can ensure the most reliable connectivity possible, even when off-grid or on your networks edge.


Remote Antenna System Fabrication
Mobile Antenna System Fabrication

Mobile Antenna Systems

Whether your organization deals in public or private transit, freight or logistics, field services, or public safety, you probably have an extensive fleet that requires reliable connectivity for effective dispatch-related fleet operations. Vehicles and mobile assets regularly travel through areas of great to poor connectivity throughout the day. For vehicle applications we can fabricate and install in-cabin and roof mounted omni-directional antennas for Wi-Fi, GPS, and cellular (4G and 5G) applications within each of your vehicles to maximize connectivity for CAD, video, fare collection, passenger Wi-Fi access, and more.


Most fixed and mobile communications projects require the externally mounted, high-powered, and ruggedized antennas systems the CNS team at MCA is uniquely equipped to provide.


If you're interested in learning more about how we can help your organization fabricate its' custom antenna assemblies, please fill out this contact form. An expert member of our team will reach out to you within 24 hours to discuss your needs.

For Immediate Assistance:

Call Us Toll-Free: (888) 550-8728

To shop online for top antennas, visit our web store by clicking here.
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