Public and Private Utilities
CONNECTIVITY FOR FIXED AND MOBILE UTILITY OPERATIONSMajor utility companies are responsible for delivering water and power to organizations and individuals alike. Every utility needs to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their diverse assets and operations. Flexible, secure, and cost-effective communications solutions make such improvements possible. Let our CNS team provide your utility with the high-speed networks and rugged routers your fixed and mobile assets need to communicate in real-time.

What Types of Organizations Need The Services On This Page?
- Electric Membership Corporations
- Electric Cooperatives
- Municipal Light and Power Departments
- Municipal Water Utilities
- Municipal Sewer Utilities
- Waste Disposal Operations
- Sewer and Wastewater Departments
- Recycling Plants and Facilities
- Private Oil and Gas Companies
- Energy Exploration Businesses
- Petrochemical Companies
- Internet Service Providers
IoT-enabled communication solutions are helping fuel more efficient water, waste, electric, oil, and gas utility operations. Contact us today to find out how we can deliver your organization the connectivity it needs to support your mission-critical needs.

Electric & Power
From the power plant to the home and business, the electric power flowing through utility lines takes quite a journey. Sometimes that electricity travels through mountains, over lakes, under rivers, across deserts, and other remote landscapes. With stations, and substations, transformers, sectionalizers, reclosers, and all of natures majesty to traverse it's vital to have a birds-eye view of the entire system. Contact us to provide the connectivity devices your SCADA and DA systems need to communicate securely over vast distances in real-time.

Mining, Oil, & Gas
Organizations within the oil and gas sector are spread far and wide across the country, with human and physical assets engaged in exploration, production, and distribution operations by land, air, and sea. With remote fracking locations, well site facilities, and offshore drilling rigs, spotty communications networks aren't an option. Getting and staying connected is mission-critical to steering resources in the right direction. Reach out our team to access private cellular communications networks and obtain the rugged connectivity devices your company needs.

Water & Wastewater
Organizations that monitor and manage water and waste-water facilities control networks of pipes that span hundreds to thousands of miles city and county-wide. Keeping the water flowing in and the waste flowing out is critical to the maintenance, health, and well-being of the millions of people and businesses they serve. With our communications devices, you can monitor flow rates, detect leaks, and ensure the safety and security of the mission-critical pump and lift stations that make the efficient delivery of consumer services possible.

Solid Waste & Recycling
Waste management organizations deal with operational complexity on a daily basis. They work tirelessly to properly dispose of solid waste and encourage recycling efforts within every town and city of our nation. To do so efficiently, they need reliable fixed and mobile communications solutions to improve how they manage and deploy their highly specialized collection vehicles, and the teams that operate them. we have the cellular devices and professional service teams they need to increase efficiency and operational transparency.

Wind & Solar
Wind and solar farms are often located in remote locations with conditions that make trenching communication cables very expensive and highly impractical. Cellular IoT devices are a viable alternative to laying in fiber. By connecting generation assets via wireless networks to monitoring, power storage, and energy distribution systems, reliable communications can be attained at a lower TCO. Reach out to us today to see how we can provide real-time communications that seamlessly integrate with your renewable energy operations.

Service Providers
Our sister organization, Infinity Technology Solutions, offers Nokia’s entire enterprise-grade portfolio of fixed wireless access solutions, consumer gateways and routers, and optical networking terminals. Their devices and network management platforms will exceed your customers’ demand for faster, better broadband services. Pushing the envelope in the delivery of lightning-fast internet to the homes and businesses of consumers across the country, they work with ISPs, WISPs, and CSPs to maximize their productivity and ROI.
Fortune 500 utility organizations turn to us every year to improve their communications and procure and provision IoT-enabled cellular networking devices for their mission-critical connectivity needs.

Are you interested in learning more about how we can help achieve your utility's fixed and mobile communications objectives? Please fill out this form. An expert member of our team will reach out to you within 24 hours to discuss your connectivity needs.
For Immediate Assistance:
Call Us Toll-Free: (888) 550-8728
To shop online for top cellular routers, visit our web store by clicking here.
Recent Use Cases, Case Studies, and Solutions for Public and Private Utilities