Cradlepoint Q2 Threat Intelligence Report

Cradlepoint Q2 Threat Intelligence Report

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News

Emerging Credential Theft Tactics

As a dedicated elite 5G resale partner of Cradlepoint, MCA is committed to keeping our clients informed about the latest threats in cyber security. This quarter, the Cradlepoint Threat Intelligence and Analysis (TR&A) Team has released a new report highlighting significant trends in credential theft and effective countermeasures. Here, we delve into the details of this report covering January through March 2024, focusing on the rise in credential theft incidents and the evolving threat landscape.

Cradlepoint's Insights on Recent Cyber Threats

This quarter has seen increased attacks to compromise credential authentication measures. Despite the widespread adoption of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), cybercriminals are enhancing their strategies to bypass these security measures. Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) and sophisticated botnets are among the tools being refined to effectively evade detection and misuse of credentials.

Credential Theft: Advanced Techniques

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MFA Bypass with Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS)

PhaaS platforms are evolving, enabling attackers to execute sophisticated ‘attack in the middle’ (AitM) techniques to bypass MFA. These services, accessible via dark web marketplaces, offer ready-to-use phishing kits with malicious code, API hooks to legitimate authentication services, and convincingly real login pages. This ease of access to advanced tools lowers the barrier for cybercriminals, potentially leading to an increase in successful MFA bypass attempts. For instance, the newly enhanced ‘Tycoon 2FA’ PhaaS now includes optimized phishing pages designed for platforms like Microsoft 365 and Gmail.

TR&A Analysis

The emergence of PhaaS solutions like Tycoon 2FA simplifies the use of Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) techniques for cybercriminals, complicating the detection of malicious sites and email attachments for users. Organizations should explore additional defensive measures to detect and prevent credential theft more effectively, such as employing AI to identify unusual user behavior and enhancing SIEM systems to detect unauthorized access attempts.

Evasion of Detection Techniques

Historically, credential theft detection has relied on identifying geographic anomalies in sign-in locations or connections from IPs with poor reputations. However, modern threat actors are increasingly leveraging botnets made up of compromised routers and IoT devices, allowing them to carry out attacks that appear to originate from legitimate geographic locations and reputable IPs.

TR&A Analysis

The shift towards using botnets for evasion tactics is notable, particularly as vulnerabilities in SOHO routers and IoT devices are increasingly exploited. Notably, campaigns like Volt Typhoon have demonstrated the effectiveness of these strategies. The FBI's disruption of the Volt Typhoon botnet highlights ongoing efforts to combat such networks, yet the presence of similar services on the dark web poses a continuous threat.

Credential Theft Indicators

The ongoing effectiveness of credential theft tactics is evident in the increasing volume of successful attacks using valid credentials, the rising number of stolen credentials available on dark web marketplaces, and the continued investment in new or improved credential theft tools. These indicators collectively suggest that credential theft remains a highly lucrative and preferred method for cybercriminals.

TR&A Analysis

Annual and quarterly reports from prominent cybersecurity firms consistently confirm the rising trend in credential theft. The focus on credential theft underscores the critical need for organizations to prioritize robust security measures to protect against these types of attacks.

Initial Access Broker (IAB) Techniques

IABs play a pivotal role in the cybercrime ecosystem by providing unauthorized access to compromised networks, which they sell to other criminals. Understanding the techniques employed by successful IABs is crucial for developing effective defensive strategies.

TR&A Analysis

IntelBroker’s activities highlight the critical demand for valid credentials in the cybercrime market. Organizations must enhance their security postures to mitigate the risks posed by such threat actors.

IntelBroker Case Study

Since 2022, IntelBroker has been operating within the CyN cybercrime group. It has been involved in opportunistic and targeted attacks aimed at financial gain. Techniques utilized by IntelBroker include exploiting vulnerabilities in enterprise software, deploying ransomware, and using previously stolen credentials for lateral movement within networks.

Threat Intelligence Reporting from Cradlepoint and MCA

Cradlepoint’s Proactive Defense Solutions

Cradlepoint’s approach to combating credential theft includes innovative solutions like Remote Browser Isolation (RBI) and Web Application Isolation (WAI), which create secure environments for online activities. These technologies prevent malware from reaching user devices by isolating browsing sessions in cloud containers, ensuring that only safe, rendered content reaches the user.

Security for the Edge

Cradlepoint also offers solutions that reduce the attack surface through Zero Trust WAN Security and Zero Trust Web Security, providing robust defenses against credential theft and ensuring that network resources are inaccessible to unauthorized users.

Through continuous innovation and strategic security practices, Cradlepoint helps protect against the evolving landscape of credential theft, ensuring that organizations can maintain secure and resilient operations. As part of our commitment to our clients' security, MCA is here to assist in implementing these advanced Cradlepoint solutions to safeguard your critical assets and data.

About MCA and Our CNS Team

MCA is one of the largest and most trusted integrators in the United States, offering world-class voice, data, and security solutions that enhance the quality, safety, and productivity of customers, operations, and lives. More than 65,000 customers trust MCA to provide carefully researched solutions for a safe, secure, and more efficient workplace.

Our Cellular Networking Solutions (CNS) team (formerly known as USAT) is made up of certified experts in designing and deploying fixed and mobile wireless data connectivity solutions for public and private enterprises nationwide - complete with implementation, training, proof of concept (POC), system auditing, and on-site RF surveying services with optional engineering maintenance contracts.

Our extensive Cradlepoint catalog of world-class routers, gateways, and software designed for remote monitoring and management in even the harshest environments allows us to deliver a full suite of reliable technologies capped with a service-first approach.

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