Reliable Connectivity for Automotive Chains

Automotive Chain Connectivity

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News, Poynting, Verizon

Instant oil change franchises and automotive repair centers are big business in the U.S.A., with some chains having over 200 locations across multiple states. Most of these stores provide services like 15-minute oil changes, air filter replacements, tire repairs, and more. Many also utilize technologies that require always-on connectivity — including… Read more

Emergency Connectivity for Bernalillo County

Emergency Connectivity for Bernalillo County

Jesse HallMCA News, Sierra Wireless, Verizon

The Bernalillo County Office of Emergency Management (BCEM) operates a state-of-the-art emergency management system to help effectively coordinate the use of county, state and federal resources to protect the lives and health of county citizens and visitors from the effects of natural or human-caused disasters… Read more…

Private LTE with Motorola Nitro | USAT Networking Solutions

Private LTE with Motorola Nitro

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News

In today’s world, Public LTE and Wi-Fi networks are a necessity. For many individuals and organizations, wireless services have become a “fourth utility” – a resource as critical as power, water, and gas. In spite of this, a few scenarios exist where the use of public LTE and Wi-Fi networks is not a viable option – leaving PLTE as the only solution. Read more…

SCADA Solutions for Water Utilities

Water Tank Monitoring Solutions

Jesse HallDigi International, MCA News, Mobile Mark, Verizon

Most water and wastewater utilities continuously rely upon supervisory control and data acquisition systems to support the demanding requirements of their operations in a variety of applications. The right hardware allows SCADA systems to run seamlessly – connecting central operations to remote assets and enhancing visibility, productivity, and… Read more…

Remote Monitoring for Fixed Oil and Gas Sites

Fixed Oil and Gas Site Connectivity

Jesse HallDigi International, MCA News, Mobile Mark, Poynting, Verizon

Energy exploration operations require organizations to set-up fixed sites across diverse geographies. For oil and gas businesses, it requires they extract resources from geological formations wherever they are discovered on a global scale. When it comes to monitoring these sites, often located in exceedingly remote areas… Read more…

Smart Tablet Connectivity for Medical Organizations

Medical Smart Tablet Management

Jesse HallCradlepoint, MCA News, Poynting, Verizon

As time marches on, hospitals and emergency medical centers are relying more and more on smart devices to deliver excellent patient care. Collecting patient information on paper forms is quickly becoming an outdated practice as is placing computer stations within all hospital rooms to pull up and log patient data. Today, both… Read more…