Contract Vehicles

North Carolina State Contract
The Division of Purchase & Contract (P&C) is NC State's central procurement authority that oversees purchasing for all state departments, institutions, agencies. They are dedicated to providing quality products and services at the best available price. A comprehensive list of current Statewide Term Contracts can be found on their website (this includes NC-204B).

New York State Contract System
The New York State Contract System (“NYSCS”) enables users to search for NYSCS certified firms, and allows state agencies and authorities to easily interact and transact with approved vendors like MCA.

National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance
NCPA is a leading national government purchasing cooperative that leverages the purchasing power of public agencies in all 50 states. NCPA utilizes state of the art procurement resources and solutions that result in cooperative purchasing contracts that ensure all public agencies are receiving products and services of the highest quality at the lowest prices.

General Services Administration
As the federal government’s purchasing agent, GSA connects federal purchasers with the most cost-effective and high-quality commercial products and services. Find out how to purchase the products and services you need from MCA.

National Association of State Procurement Officials
NASPO is an American non-profit association formed by the top procurement officials for the fifty states and Washington, D.C. and dedicated to strengthening the state procurement community through education, research, and communication.

Houston Galveston Area Cooperative
HGACBuy is a nationwide, government procurement service striving to make the governmental procurement process more efficient. Units of local government, including non-profits providing governmental services, are eligible to become participating members of the HGACBuy Cooperative.
Contact Us
Need more detailed info about how to leverage MCA’s State, Cooperative, and Federal procurement contracts to streamline your procurements? Click below to contact us.
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