Company Policies

Most recent policy update on May 12th, 2021

Please make sure to review all the various policies below prior to using our website or placing an order. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call us to discuss them.

USAT Policies | Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use

Within this page you will find the terms and conditions that govern your interactions with our company and its' web properties.

USAT Policies | Refunds and Returns

Refunds & Returns

We've outlined the terms of our refund and return policies within this page to ensure our clients have the information they need.

USAT Policies | Security and Privacy

Privacy Policy

Click to learn more about MCA's privacy policy as it relates to how we collect and use client data to improve user experiences.

About USAT | Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

MCA works only with top network device manufacturers who are committed to high performance and high security products.


Contact Us

We are the partner you need to further your organizations connectivity goals.  MCA's Cellular Networking Solutions team can provide the exact IoT communications solutions your organization needs to succeed in our technology-driven world. Click below to fill out a brief contact form to schedule a call with us today.

For Immediate Assistance  | Call Toll-Free (888) 550-8728

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